Janin the first time in front of the camera
18:13 minutes
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Janin, the sweet student with Iranian roots and her friend Victor participated in an experiment by us. Partner exchange with a stranger. She did not know what or who is expecting her before. At the same time her friend gets another girl. Janin and Victor have never done anything like that before and certainly not in front of the camera. Of course, Janin was very excited, but when she met Steve her casting partner, everything was fine. It does not take long and the two fall on each other. The experiment is of course the whole weekend. Here is the first video ...
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Janin ist wirklich eine ENndeckung und ich bin schon gespannt auf die Fortsetzung. Nur schade dass Janin, wie sie selbst sagt, ein vorsichtiger Mensch ist und auf enem Gummi bestanden hat.