Lisa makes Mannie to a cuckold
35:00 minutes
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Now remastered and in FullHD
Shortly after Lisa sent us the video she and Mannie visited at home. After a short conversation, it starts already. Mannie probably had the premonition that Lisa would take advantage of the situation and would like to have a second man with her. When it does not really work for Mannie, it also happens. Mannie is made by Lisa ice cold to a Cuckold. But this was just the beginning, as it goes on you see in the next video...
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Respekt für Manni! Örgel hat es wirklich gut gemacht; aber das größte Lob muss man Lisa aussprechen, die trotz des intensiven Genusses Manni gestreichelt und verwöhnt hat. Ich bin gespannt, wie es weitergeht...